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Colleague & Client Reflections


"Dr. Daniels has been a colleague and very trusted referral source for years. She and I shared the care of dozens of children and their families and I absolutely love working with her. Not only has she given the best possible care to my kids but she's also (nicely) educated me along the way. Pediatricians do not receive nearly enough training in Pediatric Physical Therapy and Judith has made certain those gaps in my knowledge were filled as much as possible. And, she was kind to me as she did that hard work. Judith Daniels is the greatest."


  - Jay Gordon, MD, FAAP




"My daughter started therapy with Judith at 2 years and 10 months of age. She was already receiving PT for over a year when we were referred to Judith. My daughter had physical delays, was not able to jump, run fast and was always fatigued. She was also very emotionally sensitive and quite often hard to handle. Judith was everything that a parent can ask for. She properly assessed my daughter and quickly figured out the right balance of physical challenge and yet, very gentle and loving guidance. The improvement was immediate. My daughter went from fatigued to alert in matter of weeks. She started jumping and skipping and often telling me in the car "I miss Judith". On few occasions, when my daughter had a tough day, Judith handled the challenge as a therapist/parent/friend - all in one. She is really a rare mix of a highly professional individual and just a wonderful human being".        


  - Parents of Hannah R. (age 4)




"Thank you for being so amazing to Daniella. You were a pinnacle role model for her development. You will forever be remembered."    


 - Parents of Daniella L. (age 3) 


" My wife and I are extremely grateful to have encountered Judith Daniels. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the kindest, most caring, attentive and focused health professional we have ever had the pleasure of working with.


When we first took our baby son to Judith for an assessment regarding serious concerns regarding his attainment of typical milestones for his age, we were unsure and nervous about what to expect. It was a great relief to discover in her a warm and gentle professional whose forthrightness immediately set us at ease, an ease that was only reaffirmed and strengthened as we observed the skilled manner in which she developed a therapeutic program tailored to our son's specific needs and temperament, always treating him in a way that left no doubt in our minds as to her loving and compassionate nature.


She has an unfailing sense, obviously honed through years of experience in her rigorous devotion to her field, of how far and how fast to push our son's boundaries without causing him undue emotional hardship. Her patience with him and her devotion to his needs were exemplary, and with every visit we were able to observe significant and striking improvements in his physical abilities and agility. It was incredible to observe the changes that became possible for him through the hands-on, guided exercises and challenges that Judith developed for him through her careful assessment of the unique challenges and obstacles he faced in his situation.


Almost 3 years later, we look back on Judith's work with our son with intense gratitude and satisfaction, observing with pride how he has built upon the foundation of physicality and dexterity that Judith helped him develop, eventually catching up to and surpassing many of his peers in terms of altheliticism and coordination. There is no doubt in our minds that without her help, our son would be were he is today, vibrantly happy and joyful, thrilled with life and the new experiences each day brings.


She helped him when it counted most, and to watch him progress in leaps and bounds has been proof for us of the efficacy of her practice and skills. Her encouragement and the way she made us feel that our son mattered and was special to her were extremely important to us.


Based on our experience, we recommend Judith Daniels wholeheartedly and without reservation to anyone who has a child in special circumstances requiring physical therapy. Her dedication, knowledge, professionalism, skill, emotional poise, and warm nature are certain to assist any child in achieving the greatest improvement and development possible in his or her unique circumstances"      


- Parents of Leander N.  (age 3 months)

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